10 Steps to Approach Memory Concerns in Others

If you notice changes in friends, family or others close to you and are concerned for their health — particularly when it involves changes in memory, thinking or behavior — it can be difficult to know what to do or say. Although it’s natural to be uncertain or nervous about how to offer support, these changes could be a sign of a significant health concern. 

Use the guide below to help you feel more confident and prepared as you assess the situation and take action.

Assess the Situation

What changes in memory, thinking or behavior do you see?
What’s the person doing — or not doing — that’s out of the ordinary and causing concern?

What else is going on? 
Various conditions can cause changes in memory, thinking and behavior. What health or lifestyle issues could be a factor? E.g., family stress or health issues like diabetes or depression.

Learn about the signs of Alzheimer’s and other dementias and the benefits of an early diagnosis. 
Visit alz.org/10signs to educate yourself on 10 common warning signs of Alzheimer’s and why it’s important to know if dementia is causing the changes. Do you notice any of the signs in the person you’re concerned about?

Has anyone else noticed the change(s)? 
Find out if friends and family have seen changes. What are they?
Take action through conversation

To read about five additional steps to approach memory concerns in others, from the Alzheimer’s Association, CLICK HERE.