Rita Addae, Wellness Director
Rita’s résumé in nursing is extensive, as a Registered Nurse and now also as Family Nurse Practitioner, spanning almost 20 years in several facets of health care including senior care, health and rehabilitation, general surgery, emergency response, recruiting, training, and managing staff. And that’s just for starters.
She was drawn to Solera Senior living because of her strong passion for helping seniors—and her desire to join a dynamic team. “Caring for others connects us, motivates us to reach out and help, and gives our life purpose and meaning,” she says.
For her, compassion is most important. “Compassion is a value that can anchor you and be an active force to help you stay present, engaged, and open-hearted as you move through the challenges of living a human life,” says Rita.
When she’s not sharing her caring skills, Rita likes to spend time with her four children, having milkshakes from McDonalds, window shopping, and watching movies, especially Christmas movies.
A perfect vacation for Rita would be in Ghana and Jamaica: 3 months visiting family and historical sites.